I have had this saying in my head for the past few days; "It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all." But is it true? If you really think about it, it is both true and false.
First, let us define what this is really saying. We are not talking about the love of a family member or even a best friend. We are talking about a deeper love that is shared between two people, you know, the kind that makes the world brighter...Yeah, that kind of love. And while this statement is saying that it is better to have loved, that love is something that should be returned. That is what we are looking at. A love that is felt and returned. At least to me that is what the statement is referring too.
Now, look at it from a single girls perspective (yes that means me!)
I have been single my whole life. I have fallen for guy after guy only to get my heart ripped out and my soul burned to ashes. Dramatic, right? So, I have never made it to the whole love part...though I am pretty sure I felt like it. But, the love was never returned. In my case, I have never loved and let me tell you, it sucks major monkey balls. I question everyday, what is wrong with me? What have I done wrong? Am I sending the wrong message? Yeah, it sucks! On the other hand, I have never been so intimate with someone that I lose myself in complete bliss, so I don't really know what I am missing out on!
Now, on to the person that has been in a serious relationship...(Maybe I will get there one day)
The person that has been in a really intense relationship. They love the person they are with and they know the person loves them. Every second of every day is spent thinking about the one they love. Then, something happens and the world crumbles and the relationship ends. Both people walk away broken. They spend days thinking about the relationship and wondering what happened. Both wonder what they did wrong or how they could have changed things. And now, they have felt that love and have been loved themselves. Once it is over there is always that void within your soul that always reminds you of what you have had. Though, you have had love, you know how great it can be!
Both ends of the spectrum have a positive point. And both have their downside. While I would love to focus more on the positive side of my singleness I can't help but to wish to be on the other side. Some nights it is all I pray about before I go to bed. Sounds pathetic right? It's okay, I seem to be a pretty pathetic and corny person most of the time.
What do you think? Is it better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all? Or do you think this quote is just full of it?