Women's rights?

Here is my issue. I can not stand to see a woman hit a man. That is if she hits him first. It just isn't fair! Women have fought for so long to have equal rights, to work the same jobs as men, to be paid as much as men, and to be recognized as individuals and not some baby making machine. I am all for that, but come one women! If we want equal rights we have to take them all! We can't pick and choose what suits or fancy.

I don't think it is right for a man to hit a woman, but I don't think it is right for a woman to hit a man either. Okay, the little flirty taps is cool, it's called flirting, deal with it. When men and women are play fighting, it is all in good fun. But when a woman comes up and slaps a man in the face, it's just wrong. Who cares what the man said! Who cares if he just insulted you! Insult him back and everything is even. Just because you can't think of a good come back does not give you the right to smack the man in the face!

Honestly, I think men should start hitting back. Don't get me wrong, I do know that most men are stronger than most women and have a killer right hook. I am not saying men should hit with all the force they can build up. No, just a smack in the face, maybe leave a red mark but not enough for a bruise. Okay? We got that?

What really boils my blood about it though is that a woman will hit a man just because she knows he won't hit back. And if he does hit back the skank will pick up the phone and get the poor man sent to jail for the night and possibly longer. If I am going to hit a man it is because he deserves it, if I get hit back then I probably deserved it!

Women, why are we fighting to work the same job and make the same money if every time we get hit back we call some other man to come "save" us? It makes no sense.

On top of that, all the good men are taken because there is some chick that decides she wants to put out on the first date. No matter what, a man is always going to take the slut over the good girl. Okay, so maybe not always, but most of the time. Okay, a little off topic...

The point is, Men, you should start hitting back! Don't try to break the poor woman. *sigh* It's like a dog, if a dog bites you, you slap the crap out of them, or bite them back. They learn their lesson. Yes, I am aware that I basically just called myself a dog...but, it's okay. If I think I am big enough to hit a man then I am big enough to take a hit back. Then again, I am not going around slapping men in the face for no reason.

As a side note, this only applies if the woman slaps you in the face! That is just wrong. Also, there is a fine line between defending yourself and abuse. Again, I say, don't break the poor woman, just a smack to wake her up out of her delusion.

And to women, stop calling the cops when the guy hits you back! Or even if you just have a bruise on your wrist from where he was trying to get you off him because you done gone crazy. Act like you got some sense!

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